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Grape seed oil for skin: benefits and uses

Grape seed oil found from the pressed seeds of grapes. Oil is a by-product of the winemaking process. It is known for its

These properties, along with the high amounts of omega chain fatty acids and the vitamin E contained in grape seed oil, have made it a popular topical skin treatment.

Benefits for your skin

Grape seed oil treats acne breakouts

Due to the proven antimicrobial properties of grape seed oil, some people use it to treat acne breakouts. Although research into how this works is lacking, it makes sense that by attacking bacteria that can penetrate deep into the pores and cause breakouts, grapeseed oil can lighten your skin.

Grape seed oil makes the skin smoother and more elastic.

Grape seed oil has been tried, along with a number of other herbal ingredients that claim to improve the elasticity and smoothness of your skin. Research has shown Reliable source that the herbal ingredient improved:

  • skin moisture
  • softness
  • ability to recover

Grape seed oil helps make vitamin E and vitamin C on your skin more efficient. Reliable and effective source to preserve your skin.

Grape seed oil evens out skin tone.

Grape seed oil contains a powerful antioxidant ingredient called proanthocyanidin. This antioxidant can equalize skin tone when used consistently on your skin.

Taking grape seed oil extract orally has been shown to be a reliable source for improving symptoms of melasma (also called chloasma and the “mask of pregnancy”), a hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Grape seed oil can protect your skin from sun damage

The powerful antioxidants in grape seed oil have another benefit. A Review Reliable Source describes grape seed oil as an aid in protecting your skin from absorbing full damage from UV rays.

How do you use it?

Using grape seed oil for your skin can be as simple or laborious as you like.

You can buy pure grape seed oil and use it in its pure form as a serum on your face, applying it before bed. Mixing a drop of grape seed oil into your favorite facial and body moisturizers helps seal in moisture on your skin.

If you prefer, you can slightly warm the grapeseed oil by dabbing a little on your palms and rubbing your hands together. Apply a generous amount to your skin as a hydrating mask.

Mezclar aceite de semilla de uva con aceites esenciales, como el incienso o la lavanda, puede hacer que su piel sea más suave. Ponga unas gotas de enebro, incienso y lavanda en una onza de aceite de semilla de uva para obtener una máscara y déjela actuar durante 10 minutos para un tratamiento relajante similar a un spa.

You can also buy grape seed oil extract in liquid or capsule form. Taking grape seed oil orally can improve the appearance of your skin if you take it consistently over a period of several weeks.

Are there side effects and risks?

Unless you are allergic to grape seed oil, there is little risk of trying it for your skin.

Do a spot test on a less visible part of your skin, like your wrist or ankle, before applying grape seed oil to your face. Wait 24 hours after the on-time test to make sure you are not reacting to the oil and that your skin can tolerate it.

Grape seed oil can be used in cooking.

However, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health notes that grape seed oil may be unsafe Reliable source for:

  • people with blood conditions
  • those who are about to have surgery
  • people taking blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin or aspirin

Grape seed oil is a simple, low risk, reliable source, and a relatively inexpensive treatment to test your skin. Mixing it with essential oils or constantly using it on your face as a nighttime moisturizer will probably give you the best results.

Grape seed oil needs to be studied further before fully understanding the benefits it can have for the skin. But the research currently available indicates that it is a powerful and promising ingredient that can improve the appearance of your skin and reduce some signs of aging with little risk of side effects.

Credits: Healthline Media

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